How much is climate change costing you?
National Personal Costs of Disasters Survey 2024
Have you been impacted by a disaster? We would like to learn about the costs you have faced as a result…
We know that climate change is adding to Australians' cost of living, but beyond the reporting of escalating insurance payouts and premiums, the costs faced by disaster-hit Australians are not widely known. We want to hear from you about both the financial and non financial costs you have faced as a result of being impacted by disasters or extreme weather.
We know reflecting on this stuff is hard. Please take care of yourself.
Three ways to complete the survey:
Fast: The Quick and Dirty
Give us 5 minutes and your top-line thoughts. Many questions are optional so you can skip through and just answer the mandatory and the fast questions. Get started now
Detailed: The Full Story
If you have the time (can you spare 15 to 30 minutes?) and sharing more detail is important to you, make a cuppa and pull up a seat. The survey is super flexible so you can dive into detail on one area but skip over another. The time you spend now will be incredibly valuable when we pull the data together to produce a report. Get started now
Supported: Over the phone
If we can help by providing a team member to help you complete this over the phone, please email us at hello@bushfiresurvivors.org. We’d be happy to lend a hand, plus it can be nice to connect to another human who understands. Email us now
What will we do with the results?
We will publish a report in early 2025 of the survey outcomes and highlight some of the stories shared with us. We will take this report to the media and politicians to highlight the personal costs that aren’t being counted. If we wish to feature your story as a case study, we will get your permission first. We will always keep your personal information secure and confidential. BSCA Privacy Policy